In 2004, the Adam University / BAFE among of the first pilot universities of the Ministry of education and science of the KR moved on to training in the framework of the Bologna process – a system of transfer and accumulation of credits and provides training in bachelor's programmes with an academic degree “Bachelor”. In 2005, had opened master's programs in Economics and Management. At the same time, specialists had been training for a five-year training program. Since 2009, the master's program had opened in the direction of Tourism.
At all stages of the Academy's development, close attention been paid to the quality of education. BAFE was among first universities of the Republic who received institutional accreditation from the independent accreditation Agency CAMEQ and received the “Golden diploma” of the quality of education.
Among pilot universities, the University had begun training highly qualified specialists in the PhD program in 2013. The educational process at the University is provided by qualified scientific and pedagogical staff:
- Doctors of science - 10%
- Candidates of science-37%
- Masters - 18%
During its existence, BAFE has prepared 2118 graduates for the financial and economic spheres, who are now successfully working in all corners of our country and abroad.