News and Events


Yesterday, our students of the Information Systems and Technology program and the director of the Career Center participated in Goviral's #GoNight. The topic of the meeting: "Prospects for the development of IT and cybersport".

Our students had a cool opportunity to meet people from this field and key insights from mastodons of their fields, such as Argen Darmanov, co-founder of the cybersport community of Kyrgyzstan and project manager at Mancho Devs, Jamila Alagozova, a streamer and CS: GO player, and Andrey Minkin, a Software engineer with huge experience. The moderator of the meeting was Avigail Menashe, Executive Director of the Kyrgyz Association of Software Developers.

Thanks to this experience, our students learned about the path in the IT field and, most importantly, immerse themselves in this community.

Thank you GoViral for such an event!