Students of Adam University visited the company "Dasmia" with an excursion
On October 21, 2021, students of the direction "Management and Tourism" visited the company "Dasmia". The event was organized by senior lecturer Amanbayeva Chynara in the framework of the disciplines "Entrepreneurship in tourism" and "Business planning".
The students were given a tour of the territory of Dasmia. The company's employees were pleased to tell about the company's management strategy, its mission and goals. Our students also met with the owner of the company Mamashev Turusbek Chukuyevich, who told about his activities and how he started his business.
Then a guest lecture was organized for our students here with the participation of an individual entrepreneur Matiraimov Abdilakhat, who opened his business in Vailberiz.
As part of the guest lecture, Mr. Abdilahat told the students about: — how to create your own brand; - how to analyze the market and find a niche; - how to sell your idea and product even before they are created; - how to present the project to investors correctly; - how to protect an idea, brand and other types of intellectual property.
Our guest noted that the Internet is firmly entrenched in our lives, online business has acquired various, sometimes intricate forms. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can work remotely from the comfort of your home and even from anywhere in the world – without an office, rent payment, with a flexible work schedule. Personal business online allows you to earn additional income without breaking away from your main job, and sometimes even make a serious profit.
There are a huge number of online business options. A person of any profession, with any skills and knowledge will be able to find a suitable business option on the Internet. To begin with, you need to determine your strengths, interests, skills – and already on the basis of this, look for a suitable online business idea.
He also talked about the mistakes that many aspiring entrepreneurs make when choosing an online business, focusing on the level of expected profitability. As practice shows, in the right hands, even the simplest business idea can bring a decent profit. But if you do business on the Internet, which you do not understand at all, it is unlikely that you will succeed in this business.
Students received answers to their questions on the topic of business development in an online format. The lecture program was rich and gave students the opportunity to expand the range of professional knowledge and competencies within the discipline "Business Planning" and in the field of future profession.