On December 14, senior lecturer of the program "Economics,Management and Tourism" Amanbayeva Ch.Sh. held an open lesson on the discipline "Public Speaking"
On December 14, senior lecturer of the program "Economics,Management and Tourism" Amanbayeva Ch.Sh. held an open lesson on the discipline "Public Speaking" with 3rd year students of the directions "Management" and "Business Management" on the topic "Basic skills of public speaking".
This open lesson was conducted using interactive methods such as "Brainstorming", "Portfolio Method", "Method of working in small groups" and "Noogen".
During the lesson, the problems of public speaking were considered and to solve the problems, the "Schulte Method" and for diction "Tongue Twisters" were proposed to improve concentration of attention.
After that, the students worked in small groups and completed tasks for a while. For the best results, they received well-deserved points and valuable prizes.