Work plan 2 DEFA project at AU
Quality Assurance plan DEFA project
Implementation Plan_Model_FinAunotomy_UA
Sirmbard S.R. - Rector of AU, project coordinator DEFA projects at AU;
Zhamangulov A.A - Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, project team member;
Suerkulova N.T. - Vice Rector for Development and Innovation, quality assurance manager of DEFA project at AU;
Abykeeva M.A - Head of the "Economics, Management and Tourism" program, project researcher of DEFA project at AU;
Alchieva B. - Chief Accountant;
Sharsheeva A.N. - Senior lecturer of the "Economics, Management and Tourism" program, quality assurance team member of DEFA project at AU;
Choiubekova A. - Head of International department, administrative staff of DEFA project at AU;
Shaidyldaev A. - Engineer of IT department, project technical staff of DEFA project at AU;
Egemberdiev A. - Manager of International department, quality assurance team member of DEFA project at AU.
Talantbekova N. - Accountant of Adam University
Report for the first half of the year according to the WP of the DEFA project
Report for the second half of the year according to the WP of the DEFA project
Sustainable plan of DEFA project at AU
Dissemination plan of DEFA project at AU
Dissemination activities for 1 year of DEFA project at AU
* Analytical report
16-17 октября 2023 года в городе Бишкек проходит тренинг
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С 28 марта по 03 апреля 2023 года рабочая группа по проекту DEFA
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Ректор Университета Адам Сирмбард С.Р. приняла участие в презентации проекта DEFA
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